Our Services

Yekova Construction

Our Services


As a construction promoter, your main objective is to effectively communicate the key features and benefits of a construction project to potential investors, stakeholders, and the general public.promoters identify potential construction projects that have the potential for successful development. This involves conducting market research, analyzing industry trends, and identifying opportunities for profitable construction ventures.

Property Developer:

As a property developer, your objective is to present a compelling and informative brief to attract potential investors, partners, and stakeholders to your property development project. should be provide a concise overview of the project, highlighting its key features, benefits, and investment provide an estimated timeline for the project’s completion, including key milestones and construction phases.

Joint Venture:

A joint venture is an agreement between two or more independent businesses to work together on a particular project or initiative. It entails combining resources, knowledge, and money to pursue a common goal while upholding separate legal identities. Joint ventures are created to accomplish particular commercial objectives, such as market expansion, product development, access to new markets or technologies, risk sharing, or using the complementary strengths of the participating firms.

Turnkey Project:

A turnkey project is a type of project in which a contractor or developer takes full responsibility for the design, construction, and completion of a project, delivering it to the client or owner in a ready-to-use or “turnkey” condition. The term “turnkey” refers to the idea that the project is handed over to the client as a fully operational entity that requires minimal additional work or intervention.


Contracts are legally binding agreements between two or more parties that outline the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of each party involved. Contracts are crucial for establishing clear terms and conditions and protecting the interests of all parties.


Residential buildings are structures primarily designed and used for housing individuals and families. They provide living spaces where people reside, sleep, and engage in domestic activities.


Commercial buildings are structures designed and used for commercial purposes, such as conducting business, providing services, or accommodating commercial activities. They serve as centers for commerce, trade, and various professional services.Office buildings: Created to house offices for companies, corporations, governments, and other expert organisations.

Retail buildings: Designed for establishments that sell goods and services to customers directly, such as stores, malls, supermarkets, and department stores.

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